Medical Tyranny Lockdown 2.0: Globalists Backed UN Announce Fascist Control of Information [VIDEO]
“Alex Jones breaks down the fascist control of the UN announcing censorship of unsanctioned information ahead of lockdown 2.0 as part of the Great Reset collapse of society.” – The Alex Jones Show Go Ad-Free, Get Exclusive Shows and Content, Go Premium Today – $1 Trial “This happens in human civilization. It normally collapses the civilization for at least a time. When the good people let crazies get in charge. We let them be in control. And they always start assaulting reality and assaulting common sense and assaulting due process and assaulting logic. And people keep acquiescing until everything disintegrates. And that is now the point we’ve entered at every level. They’ve now said that recessions and depressions are actually good for you. They’re now officially saying the school lunch program will be bugs. It already is in Canada. The government’s rolling out bugs as a new food. They’re banning beef all over Europe, 90 plus percent of the cows. And it’s only going to get worse f...