The Chinese Are Coming! – California Follows China In Swabbing Animals For COVID! – Clown World [VIDEO]
“Josh Sigurdson reports on the recent news that Los Angeles is opening up covid testing for animals, including cats, dogs, hamsters, sea lions, and more. This comes shortly after viral footage came out showing the Chinese government forcefully swabbing fish and crab with a PCR swab! This unrivaled insanity just seems to be getting more and more crazy!
What we see in China eventually happens in the rest of the world, and it’s going much faster than previously. From social credit to carbon credits. From food rations to bank runs. From digital IDs to cashless banking, and don’t forget AI and brain implants! If we don’t recognize these dangers and prepare for ourselves, we will not make it through what comes next. The Great Reset.” – World Alternative Media
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Sources referenced by Josh in the video above:
The opinions expressed by contributors and/or content partners are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Red Voice Media. Contact us for guidelines on submitting your own commentary. Red Voice Media would like to make a point of clarification on why we do not refer to any shot related to COVID-19 as a “vaccine.” According to the CDC, the definition of a vaccine necessitates that said vaccine have a lasting effect of at least one year in preventing the contraction of the virus or disease it’s intended to fight. Because all of the COVID-19 shots thus far available have barely offered six months of protection, and even then not absolute, Red Voice Media has made the decision hereafter to no longer refer to the Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson substances as vaccinations.
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